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Burkhardt Leitner Modular Spaces‏ develops, produces...
...modular architectural systems for temporary structures in the trade fair and display, office and public space, museum and exhibition fields.‏‏Our main activities include the development, the design and the product communication of the individual components and their complex construction, the production of these architectural systems and their worldwide distribution via sales, planning and license partners. The high functionality of our architectural systems is based on their logical, self-explanatory construction principles. Their flexibility and modularity offer freedom of design. Reduction and clarity in form are our guiding principles in the aesthetic design. They are esteemed worldwide and have been honored with the highest awards.

There are archetypal architectural forms that recur and continue to develop throughout all ages and cultures. One of them is the nomad's tent, the original type of temporary and portable architecture. With its elementary supporting structure design made up of supports and membrane, pressure and tension, it can be cited as the origin of modern trade fair systems in both its functional and design aspects. Mobility, flexibility and modularity as the logical consequence of a simple design – this is the principle we are trying to perfect and continually reinterpret in our architecture systems. In all modesty towards their model.


Soon after it has been assembled, the stand is dismantled into very small transport units and sets off on its travels. What remains is the impression it leaves on the visitor. The experience of space. The face-to-face encounter with the people, products and personality of a company. To create that experience, an architecture of communication is needed, which – although spontaneous and temporary – fixes itself lastingly in our memories. Because it makes the personality of a company something that can be experienced with the senses. Long term.


Modular building is a child of the industrial age. In the modern age, it has grown up to become both a functional and a design element. The precision of industrially prefabricated components permits undreamed-of perfection in architecture. The vision of the planner is implemented without transmission losses. Implemented swiftly. Repeatably. Independently of location. And at the same time continually variable within itself. Modularity is essential in modern trade fair architecture. Because it stays mobile: from one venue to the next, from one trend to another. And because it remains movable in the mind of the planner while thinking up new architecture. That is how we think of our systems.


Sense and sensibility, economic level-headedness and aesthetic light-headedness – our systems find their confusingly simple expression in what's seemingly contradictory. What makes sense is the modular design, reduced to the essentials. Short building times and simple assembly, low transport volume and weight, all ensure savings without having to do without the design freedom that comes from consistent flexibility. The fact that ambitious architecture can be planned both very simply and without much fuss is proven not only by our self-explanatory construction principles, but also by our planning software, which supports the entire planning process with realistic 3D images. Sense and sensibility – from the initial sketch to the final trade fair stand or office landscape.