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Traveling exhibition Work in Transition
Design: Echo & Flut, Stuttgart
System: pon 
Location & Date: Hamburg 2022
Size: 300m2

Burkhardt Leitner pon media accompanies this exhibition with interactive experiences that take a look at the past and future working world. An important part of the concept are textile coverings and backlit presentations – these explain the topics on spacious areas.

pon media can be used together with pon as an integrated solution. With a journey through time via VR glasses, an adventure game with interactive storytelling or the feeling of what working with an exoskeleton could feel like, for example. And many other exciting modules. The touring exhibition "WORK IN CHANGE" is a cooperation between the Fraunhofer Institute and the Federal Employment Agency


Project: Traveling exhibition Work in Transition
Customer: Fraunhofer Institute, Federal Employment Agency
Design: Echo & Flut, Stuttgart
System: Burkhardt Leitner pon and pon media systems
Photos: Burkhardt Leitner modular spaces