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form Design Classics Series

form Design Classics Series
form Design Classics Series

Verlag form releases new edition of the form Design Classics Series “Clic System by Burkhardt Leitner Modular Spaces” at this year’s international Frankfurt Book Fair (16 to 20 October 2019).


From the press release;


"Design classics manifest the essence of their time, they stand for styledefining elements, innovative use of materials, and high standards of aesthetics and function. They accompany our everyday life over generations. Since 1997, the form Design Classics Series has portrayed many icons of design history. Today, it is being continued with a new design concept by form publishing, Frankfurt/Main, published by Barbara Glasner."


form Design Classic

“Clic System by Burkhardt Leitner Modular Spaces”

Publisher: Barbara Glasner, Verlag form

soft cover, 14,8 x 20 cm. 48 pages


press information download

form Design Classics Series
form Design Classics Series